In South Dakota, sexual assault is referred to as "sexual battery" and is defined as oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by the sexual organ of another, or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any object. Sexual battery doesn't include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose. One of the most serious forms of sexual assault is the crime of rape. South Dakota's main rape law is outlined here.
Statistics on Sexual Violence
Sexual violence is among the most clandestine crimes in the United States. While the problem is rampant, victims are often shamed into feeling that what has happened to them is their fault. As a result, victims may wait years, or their entire lives, without telling anyone. Though the statistics that follow may be shocking, they provide only a partial glimpse of reality. There remain many more victims who suffer in silence.
One out of three women and one out of six men will be raped in their lifetimes.
More than two million cases of child abuse are reported annually and 40% of these cases involve sexual abuse.
Sixteen percent of rapes are ever reported to the police.
Seventy-seven percent of rapes are committed by someone who the victim knows.
Among female rape victims, sixty-one percent are under the age of eighteen.
Fifty-two percent of gay men and lesbians reported at least one incident of coercion by same-sex partners.
Three percent of men reported being the victim of an attempted or completed rape.
In the U.S. a woman is raped every two minutes.
One out of every five women in college reports being forced to have sexual intercourse.
Among developmentally disabled adults, eighty-three percent of females and thirty-two percent of males are victims of sexual assault.
An estimated 302,100 women and 92,700 men are forcibly raped each year in the United States.
Acquaintance Rape Rape committed by a perpetrator known to the victim. Teenagers and young women are especially vulnerable to acquaintance rape. Many acquaintance rapes are initiated by the perpetrator with the intention of having sex. When the victim resists the perpetrator’s advances, the perpetrator uses more aggressive measures to ensure compliance. Marital Rape Contrary to popular belief, rape can occur in marriages. This is often a difficult fact to reconcile with the traditional view ofmarriage, which asserts that a wife cannot deny sexual relations with her husband. Until recently, many state rape statutes excluded spouses, making it legal for a husband to rape his wife. Stranger Rape Rape by a person who is a complete stranger to the victim. Contrary to popular belief, statistics show that stranger rape occurs substantially less frequently than acquaintance rape. Gang Rape This type of rape is perpetuated by a group of offenders that “take turns” assaulting a victims. Group members may also participate by forcing the victim to submit, (by physical force or threat), while other group members commit the rape. The motivation for a gang rapist is to assert his “manhood” and power, and gain acceptance by a group of his peers. While it is feasible for women to commit gang rape, research supports to the notion that males represent the overwhelming majority as culprits of gang and other types of rape.